About Us
We have come in existence to serve the poor and needy people in the form of education ,food and shelter so that they can get the complete physical and mental growth.
Our Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji always motivate us to lean in this noble cause because he always says that God gave us birth in this world to contribute in the welfare of these people because their smile can help us to eradicate our sorrows. Till now, we have served more than 10 lakh people in different ways.
We always believe that if we will serve the people who are in need then God will give us happy life. So, we are inviting you to contribute in this noble cause according to your calibre and wishes.
You can do this by joining us as a full-time or part-time volunteer according to your suitability. So, Come and Join Your Hands with us and be a part of this spiritual journey.

Our Moto
Today, all of us want to live happily, to have name and fame in the society, that our family would not have to face any difficulties in future; and also everyone wants that he/she would always have auspiciousness in his/her life and would not have to face any sorrow.
But, we all know that happiness and sorrow come after each other and an individual has to endure the results (happiness and sorrow) continuously due to his own deeds done by him in his previous and present birth (past and present life). People always like just to know their future, so that they would not do any such work which is harmful for them and the result of which would be very sorrowful.
And from here, one is worried about his future and always goes on thinking that what would happen or not in his future. This is the thing for which he/she is vexed all the time.
Our Vision
So, here is the answer of all your queries and problems raised in your heart and life and the answer is only one Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji a precious word of whom would change the life of people and a dying one is again become alive by impact of it. Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji says that Life is precious. and there is no cost of life.
You can make it very beautiful and successful to the top by doing fair & beautiful deeds. Say thank you to the Power. who creates us; keeps us moving/living; which is present inside us. How would we thank that Power. When we got brother in the form of such Guru, one is become winner and win everything.
Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji –there is no any religion in this world; no one Hindu, no one Muslim, no one Sikhs and no one Christian. Everyone has a stomach, hunger and he wants only Do rotis (foods) to alive. Everyone wants a beautiful home, a happy family life.
Paras Parivaar is like a family where all religions combine and people from all religions, castes and groups feel proud after joining this family. They say that this is the place or platform we were searching for a long time, because this platform directs you towards success and guides for better future. This is the platform where people from all religions, castes and groups appear in one colour.
For just this thing, Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji is the best, because he knows how to combine people. And, he always says that, I am for making but not for breaking. Everyone wants to get guru/brother like Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji who would take all his/her sorrows and throw. Today, Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji is popularly known as Astrology King. So, come on!! and be a part of this honoured family.